Exciting new champion, Zeri, to be added to League of Legends

The League of Legends enthusiasts now have an exciting development to anticipate, as the game developers have announced the arrival of a new champion. Named Zeri, she is set to become the 158th playable champion in the game.

Zeri's story unfolds in the undercity where she waged a personal war against the Zaun chem-barons who ravaged her lands. In her quest for power, her Entresol neighbors aided her in enhancing her natural abilities. This led her to infuse her electric energy into a specialized rifle and don a jacket that helps her regulate her newfound power. Described as possessing 'sparky determination' in the League of Legends roadmap, Zeri promises to bring a fiery presence.

Zeri's capabilities include firing Fire shoots, utilizing an Ultrashock laser, and vanquishing foes with her Spark Surge. The Lightning Crash ability allows her to unleash a substantial amount of electricity at once, entering an overcharged state that grants enhanced Move Speed, Attack Speed, and increased damage for a duration.

The design goal for Zeri was to introduce a shooter-like playstyle to the game, bringing an element of relentless energy to keep gameplay dynamic. Zeri appears to possess all the attributes necessary to inject excitement into the game.

Zeri is slated for release on January 20, 2022, coinciding with the 12.2 League of Legends patch. Originally planned for the second half of 2021, Zeri's release was postponed to the early months of the following year.

How do you perceive this new champion? Will Zeri meet expectations? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!