Google's Latest Educational Tool Poses a Challenge to Duolingo and Other Language Learning Apps

In an ambitious attempt to increase the value of its ecosystem, Google is rolling out a new feature on Google Search: an interactive tool designed to enhance the English skills of language learners. Specifically crafted to enhance translation services to and from English, this tool will first be available on smartphones in Argentina, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Venezuela.

Instead of just functioning as a translation tool, Google Search is now offering active language education. This innovation transforms Google's popular search engine into an interactive learning tool, providing personalized feedback on spoken English practice. Each practice session lasts 3-5 minutes, during which users respond to prompts using specific vocabulary.

Going beyond simply assessing the user's language proficiency, this new feature provides valuable feedback on the appropriateness and clarity of a response, highlights areas for grammatical improvement, and enhances language skills by suggesting different response examples. It also offers additional assistance for difficult words – a quick tap provides a contextual translation.

This interactive English learning tool was created with a significant investment in AI and machine learning technologies. Google's development involved the implementation of various models for grammar correction, translation recommendations, and semantic feedback, tailored to accommodate accented speech. The construction of this tool brought together a diverse team, including teachers, linguists, ESL/EFL experts, other educational partners, and a human review system.

Although Google has previously introduced language learning tools, this new feature reflects its innovative approach. Beyond just memorizing words or phrases, Google Search now actively helps users improve their spoken English skills. It does beg the question – could this be Google's initial step towards competing with other language learning platforms? With a positive public reaction, we may anticipate a slew of new features and possibly support for additional languages.