Instagram introduces a new resource for store owners and managers

Instagram has evolved beyond just a platform for sharing beach photos, cats, and food. It now focuses on showcasing the life you lead and the products you offer. To assist merchants in creating Instagram store pages, the platform has released a 10-page guide on how to set up a shop on Instagram.

For centuries, any gathering place has been a prime location for commerce. Instagram, along with other social media platforms, recognizes this trend and has made it easier by introducing Shop tabs. These tabs allow consumers to easily access product pages and make immediate purchases, making Instagram a more appealing shopping platform for both buyers and sellers.

Without proper guidance, this feature can lead to more confusion than convenience. The guide advises on which tags to use, how to make them relevant, how to build an Instagram catalog, and how to utilize tools like Feed, Live, and Stories for maximum impact. Instagram also recommends making Reels more engaging instead of solely promotional, and suggests using hashtags with products for more than 5 days a month.

Instagram experts also suggest not being too hasty in chasing trends. Stories advertising specific products should be saved as Highlights for continued visibility. Products that you wish to highlight should be showcased across all Instagram mediums, including Live presentations if warranted.

What has been your experience with Instagram shopping? Are you a seller or a buyer? Are you satisfied with Instagram's current commerce features? What frustrates you and what drives your purchases? Share your thoughts in the comments!