Only 30,000 buyers of Cyberpunk 2077 requested a refund.

Initially, Cyberpunk 2077 appeared to be more of a disappointment than a success. Many users reported experiencing glitches and bugs, leading Sony to remove the game from its store. Despite widespread dissatisfaction, only 30,000 buyers requested a refund, which was granted.

In 2020 alone, Cyberpunk 2077 generated approximately $560 million in sales. The $2.17 million that CD Projekt RED issued in refunds may seem insignificant in comparison, but it did lead to a drop in shares. The total amount includes the establishment of a refund system and the actual refunds. While 95% of dissatisfied buyers have received their refunds, the remaining buyers will need to wait for CD Projekt RED to resolve any transaction issues related to international sales.

Following the launch, the developer released several patches to address bugs and introduce new content. The updates seem to have been effective, considering the game was released less than six months ago. The gaming community understands that fixing bugs from the initial release takes time, so continued successful sales are expected, especially if CD Projekt RED releases anticipated DLC.