Revitalizing Lunar Settlements: A closer look at the surface of the Moon

Hovering on the edge of gaming innovation, The Crust emerges as a unique combination of Surviving Mars and factory-building styles. This hybrid game puts players in charge of an automated complex on the moon's surface after a catastrophe. You play as a lunar colonist overseeing a fully operational base after a devastating event.

The game combines two types of base setups: one above ground and one below ground. Above ground, you can see power generators, vehicle bays, and launch sites. Below ground focuses on mining, ore processing, and manufacturing. The demo displays the aboveground facility, giving a glimpse into lunar colonization and resource management.

An interesting aspect of The Crust is its tribute to traditional factory-building games like Satisfactory and Factorio. The underground sector, with processors and conveyors, offers addictive gameplay. The game introduces lunar ore processing, which requires segregation into various minerals before use, adding complexity.

One exciting feature in the demo is securing mining resources outside your base. Players need to reactivate large mobile mining rigs and send out surveyors to find rich mineral deposits. This involves arranging cargo vehicles for resource transportation and managing goods movement in different areas of your base.

In its demo version, The Crust tells a captivating story of survival and resilience. The game combines strategic decision-making with the theme of survival in adversity. Operating a lunar colony presents new challenges for players. Set for release in early 2024, The Crust promises a unique gaming experience for fans of innovation.