Supporters demand fair treatment and EA Sports suffers theft.

An investigation at EA Games recently revealed that one of the employees was involved in illicitly trading FIFA's extremely rare items for profit.

A scandal has rocked the fan community and EA Sports as it was discovered that a studio employee was secretly trading elite athletes for prices ranging from $780 to $1,191. Regular players could only obtain these Icons from loot boxes.

The trading included Prime Icon rare players that are typically only available in Ultimate Team Mode. Acquiring players like Ruut Gullit would usually cost thousands of dollars, which is a primary source of income for the studio.

FIFA players who dedicate significant time, money, and effort to build their teams expressed outrage over the scandal, with many taking to social media to voice their dismay:

So we grind/trade/open packs and can’t touch these PIM players but EA employees sell them to people secretly for $1,700?!?!

Initially hesitant to respond, EA Sports eventually launched an investigation due to mounting public pressure. The studio condemned the unethical behavior, citing concerns about the game's integrity and its financial implications.

EA Games has pledged legal action against the individuals involved in the scam, with promises to permanently ban any players who purchased contraband athletes, potentially resulting in the loss of other EA accounts.

The incident has been dubbed #EAGate, drawing comparisons to the infamous Gamergate controversy. Follow the hashtag to stay updated on the ongoing investigation.