The reward system in Fall Guys becomes overly complex.

Fall Guys is known for its silly mayhem, Battle Royale twist on obstacle courses, and funny creatures navigating through challenging levels. However, recent updates have introduced number calculation mechanics, which detracts from the game's joy.

The initial reward system was flawed, with crowns being difficult to obtain and kudos requiring real money. The addition of crown shards in Season 4 only made the currency system more complex, confusing players on what to use for cosmetics and new levels.

While intricate resource systems are typically seen as a feature for intellectual games, they may not always be suitable. In a lighthearted game like Fall Guys, such complexity is unnecessary.

Having just two currencies - one earned and one purchasable - would suffice for player needs. The current four currencies and upgrades make the game overly convoluted for its intended purpose as a party game.

Players engage in Fall Guys for its silly fun, not for intricate planning. The game is about enjoying the moment rather than strategizing. Developers should prioritize maintaining the game's playful nature in future updates.