TikTok experiments with sleep alerts to prevent users from spending too much time on the app

TikTok is responding to user complaints about spending excessive amounts of time on the platform, especially at night, by testing a new sleep reminders feature. This feature will enable users to schedule reminders for when they should go to bed and silence notifications for seven hours afterwards. The feature is currently being trialed with a small group of users worldwide and can be accessed in the app's "screen time" settings.

The sleep reminders feature will assist users in monitoring their time spent on the app and determining when it's time to log off. Once users set their preferred bedtime, they will receive a notification to close the app at that time. To minimize distractions, TikTok will also disable push notifications for seven hours after the designated sleep time. This functionality will help users stick to their intended bedtime and enjoy a restful night's sleep.

This feature is not the only initiative TikTok has taken to reduce excessive usage of the platform. The company recently introduced a "time well spent" dashboard, allowing users to monitor their activity and adjust their screen time preferences. The dashboard was designed to help users establish a healthy relationship with the app by becoming more aware of their usage patterns.

TikTok's new sleep reminders feature complements its existing tools designed to help users manage their time on the platform. By offering a simple way to set reminders and silence notifications after bedtime, this feature assists users in avoiding distractions and maintaining a healthy balance with the app. It represents a positive step towards supporting users in achieving a good night's sleep while engaging with the platform.